Glaucoma Management Breakthrough
Sub Title
Introducing the Triggerfish Smart Contact Lens
It is my distinct pleasure to introduce all of you to DLV’s latest technology implementation, the
Triggerfish contact lens from Sensimed. In line with our mission statement of offering the latest
technological developments in the field of Ophthalmology, DLV is privileged to be the first practice
in the USA to offer this Glaucoma screening tool.
Triggerfish (TF) is the first US-approved Smart Contact Lens and is targeted to improve Glaucoma
Management. It is a soft, disposable silicone contact lens with an embedded micro-sensor that
captures circumferential changes near the corneoscleral junction. It essentially measures ocular
volume change over a 24 hour period.
Ocular volume change is associated with the eye’s ability to handle increases and fluctuations in
pressure as they are related to tissue elasticity. Studies conducted by Gustavo De Moraes MD, PhD
(Columbia University) and others have shown the readout of the 24-hour TF curve to be highly
correlated to glaucoma progression. It measures objective readings at times when accurate IOP
measurements are not possible (during sleep etc). In fact, these studies have implied the TF
readout to be better correlated with glaucoma progression over a two year follow up period than
in-clinic eye pressure readings.
Currently, the potential indicated benefits of the TF include:
a) Identifying glaucoma patients at highest risk of progression (risk stratification within disease)
b) Identifying glaucoma suspects at highest risk for progression to glaucoma (normal vs. diseased eyes)
c) Confirming a diagnosis of Normal Tension Glaucoma
d) Monitoring effectiveness of current glaucoma therapy
Additional benefits of the TF to our referring Optometrists include:
a) Better management of glaucoma based on risk stratification and road map provided by TF
b) Ability to highlight the technology in your practice through different channels such as social
media, website and patient referrals
How it works
This lens is applied just like a contact lens, the data is wirelessly transmitted from the lens to the
antenna that is applied adhesively around the eye, the data is then transmitted from the antenna
through a wire to a recorder that the patient wears, and the data is downloaded at the 24 hour
mark to our specially set-up computer system for analysis.
Patients maintain their regular routine (with the exception of minimizing exercise and not bathing)
during the 24 hour recording period, capturing the most sensitive overnight ocular changes that
have thus far been elusive to study. This technology will be available at DLV as the first US sight to
offer the device as of November 1, 2017.
The initial evaluation for TF will be covered by insurance and billed as a glaucoma evaluation. The
cost of the actual TF contact lens will be out of pocket and not covered by insurance.
To refer a patient for TF please fax, e-mail, or send in an online submission. Online referrals can be
made on our Doctor’s Resources page.
For additional medical information about TF please Contact Us Online today.
Houman Vosoghi M.D.
Glaucoma Div