Are you struggling to see objects close-up and over the age of 40?. Do you find yourself holding reading materials further away to see them clearly? You may be suffering from Presbyopia. You are not alone! 128 million Americans suffer from Presbyopia.
What is Presbyopia?
Your clear lens sits inside the eye behind the colored iris. When you are young, the lens is soft and flexible. This lets you focus on objects both close-up and far away. After age 40, lens becomes more rigid and it cannot change shape as easily. Presbyopia is a progressive condition; it affects everyone at some point and there is no way to stop or reverse the normal aging process. You can also view presbyopia as the age-related loss of zooming.
Symptoms of Presbyopia?
- Difficulty seeing clearly up-close
- Holding objects further away
- Difficulty reading in dim lighting
- Turning up light to read
- Headaches or eyestrains after long periods of reading
Treatment for Presbyopia?
- Monovision or Blended Vision: Monovision (blended vision), where one eye is corrected for distance and the other eye is corrected for reading. When we set the eyes for monovision, the dominant eye is set for distance and the non-dominant eye is set for near. The main benefit of monovision is the ability to see distance, intermediate, or near without having to resort to using glasses. Monovision can be done through lasik or refractive lens exchange. Find out if you’re a candidate by booking a consult today.
- Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE) is highly recommended for patients suffering with presbyopia due to all the excellent benefits. RLE involves removing the natural lens of the eye and replacing it with an intraocular lens. Refractive lens exchange can be used to treat presbyopia, nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. RLE is elective and reduces the need or dependency for glasses or contacts when laser vision correction is less beneficial. Read more about RLE. Book a consult to see if you are a candidate.
- Presbyopia Eye Drops- There are lots of presbyopia eye drops being developed in the market at the moment but the first to gain FDA approval is Vuity (pilocarpine 1.25%) from Allergan. Vuity is used in both eyes, once a day, every morning. Takes 15-30 minutes to start working and can last 6 hours to Read more about Vuity eye drops here and find out if you’re a candidate for Vuity by booking a consult.