Beverly Hills Lasik Surgeon Dr. Paul Dougherty
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Beverly Hills is famously known as the home of many of the nation’s brightest stars of the stage and screen. However, did you know that Beverly Hills is also famous for its LASIK surgery? Dr. Dougherty, described as “one of the most prominent names in the field of… refractive surgery worldwide,” founded Dougherty Laser Vision with the goal to bring great results to patients in Beverly Hills. Dougherty Laser Vision offers only the most advanced techniques in laser eye surgery, and is known as one of the best places in the nation to get LASIK surgery performed.
Dr. Dougherty is known as the “doctor’s doctor,” as many ophthalmologists around the nation have called upon his expertise for their own vision correction surgeries. Not only has Dr. Dougherty performed laser eye surgeries on many other doctors, but he’s also had LASIK performed on his own eyes, giving him a unique perspective into the concerns and anxieties of his patients. If you’re a resident of Beverly Hills, there’s no better place to get LASIK surgery than at Dougherty Laser Vision.
Contact us today if you’re considering LASIK and we’ll give you a free consultation!